June Quantified Self Meetup: Show and Tell Meditation!

The Quantified Self is an international community of users and makers of self-tracking tools who share an interest in “self-knowledge through numbers.” If you are tracking for any reason — to answer a health question, achieve a goal, explore an idea, or simply because you are curious — you can find help and support here.

This month the topic is meditation! Members of our group will present what they have learned about meditation through tracking with the Muse 2 and Oura ring.

Join us in a meditation challenge and meditate for at least 7 days in a row. We would love to hear what you learn!

7:00pm – Welcome and Introductions
7:15pm – Presentation on Muse 2 (Meditation wearable)
7:45pm – Presentation on Oura Ring (Sleep/health wearable)
8:15pm – Discussion and Social