Show&Tell Talks…Online! Self-Tracking for COVID-19

Please join us for an online conversation on self-tracking where we share ideas, tools and experiments with the global Quantified Self community.

This meeting will take place online in Zoom:
(Feel free to share this invitation with others.)

We’ll have our regular show&tell format with a focus on some interesting projects relating to self-tracking for COVID-19 and using self-collected data for advance warning of sickness onset. If you have a project in this area, please let us know when you RSVP. Check out to see how some people in the QS community are tracking their symptoms.

Here’s our agenda (All times are PDT, UTC-7 ):

Intro and Announcements – 6:00 pm

Presentations – 6:15 to 7:15
-Bob Troia: The daily measurements he uses to monitor whether he has an infection.
-Mad Price Ball: Investigating how historical data, such as heart rate, can be used to determine the onset of sickness.
-Plus more! Let us know if you have a project to share when you RSVP.

Wrap-up & Group Conversation – 7:15 to 7:30

Where do our talks come from? They come from you! Do you have a personal self-tracking story to share? Please let us know in your RSVP. You can let these three questions guide your presentation:

What did you do? How did you do it? What did you learn?

Here are examples from previous Quantified Self events:
-Quantifying My Phd: Pomodoros And Productivity (
-The Impact of a Five-Day Fast on My Cholesterol Levels (
-How Work Distractions Affect My Focus
-Learning From My Excuses for not Exercising (

This event is being cross-posted with the QS Portland Meetup.

Image from Quantified Flu project on connecting simple biometrics to sickness events by Mad Price Ball. Read more about this project here: