Author: Alexandra Carmichael


Top 38 Data Blogs to Watch

May 7, 2009

Nathan Yau at the FlowingData blog has compiled a list of “37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About.” His list includes blogs on statistics, visualizations, maps, design, and “others worth noting,” a category that includes our own Quantified Self blog. Thanks Nathan! (Adding Nathan’s blog to the list makes 38.) Happy RSS-ing!


Stop the Pain! Self-Tracking Migraines and a Live Research Study

April 28, 2009

A common question people ask me is, “Why do you track yourself?” The primary answer, for anyone living with chronic pain, is simple — to help reduce the pain. Migraine, for example, is a chronic condition where self-tracking can have a positive effect. According to the National Headache Foundation, migraine affects 13% of the US…


New Self-Tracking Paper and Google Health

February 5, 2009

Quantified Self member Melanie Swan has just published an open access paper in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health called “Emerging Patient-Driven Health Care Models: An Examination of Health Social Networks, Consumer Personalized Medicine and Quantified Self-Tracking“. She presents a thorough, well-documented analysis of the players and issues in the personalized health…


Would You Track Your Health on Facebook?

January 19, 2009

I was curious to see if I was the only one crazy enough to share my health data publicly, so last week I posted two questions as my Facebook status. “Would you track your health on Facebook (weight, calories, sleep, exercise) for all your friends to see?”, followed by “What if it was completely private…


How Do You Measure Health? Thomas Goetz Wants To Know

December 23, 2008

Here’s your chance to share your self-measurement expertise for an upcoming book, The Decision Tree. (Look for the invitation link at the end of this post.) Thomas Goetz, deputy editor of Wired Magazine, has started a new blog-to-be-book about predictive medicine and the future of healthcare. It promises to be a topic close to the…


Quantifying Myself

December 13, 2008

As Gary mentioned in his earlier post, I track myself – 40 things about my body, mind, and activity – every day. The fact that I do this tracking seems to interest people. Whether they are driven by curiosity about the phenomenon of personal data collection, or by the desire for a yardstick by which…