New Show&Tell Event: Tracking Blood Glucose

Gary Wolf
May 31, 2023
Please join us for an hour of short “QS Show&Tell” talks about diet and metabolic discoveries using personal science. This session will focus on minimally invasive blood glucose monitor and meal and activity tracking with Nutrisense.
Use this form to get a meeting link if you want to attend.
Date: June 13, 2023
Time: 7:00 AM PDT / 4:00 PM CEST
Where: Online — use this form to get a meeting link.
Sara Riggare: Moderator
Gary Wolf: Did My Metabolism Improve?
Steven Jonas: How Bad is Snacking after Dinner?
Martijn de Groot: Learning to Change My Food Intake
Thomas Blomseth Christiansen: Ruling Out Pre-Diabetes in Long Covid
Jakob Eg Larsen: Subjective and Objective measures of Blood Glucose.
About Personal Science: Around the world, people use self research and “quantified self” methods to ask and answer questions about their own lives. Topics and motivations are diverse — managing health conditions, self improvement, mental health, or simple curiosity. What connects these is that each person is doing their own research to answer their own questions. We can learn from each other.
About the QS Show&Tell: We use a simple format of short talks to share what we’ve discovered about ourselves with our own data. In these five to seven minute talks we’ll describe “What I did, how did I do it, and what did I learn?” Data will be shown.
About Nutrisense: A number of startups have launched in the past few years to support people using minimally invasive blood glucose monitors to learn about their diet and metabolism. One of these companies is Nutrisense. We recently partnered with Nutrisense to explore using the CGM and their meal and activity app to make our own blood glucose discoveries; in this hour of short talks we’ll share what we’ve learned.
We also welcome you to join our weekly Thursday self research chats, where folks share ongoing work, ideas, and tools. More information is here: Weekly Self-Research Meeting Notes.