The Art of Self-Tracking
Ernesto Ramirez
June 10, 2015
On June 20th we’re inviting the public to join us for the first ever Quantified Self Expo. It’s going to be a full day of dedicated to showcasing amazing QS tools with multiple demos, talks, how-to sessions, and exciting experiences. But that’s not all.
We’re excited to host, as part of the Expo, an exhibition focused on data as art. In the words of our co-curators, Alberto Frigo and Jacek Smolicki:
Art of Self-Tracking is an exhibition gathering a number of international artists who use different personal data tracking techniques in their artistic practices.
Ranging from meticulously composed manual diaries, hand-drawn representations of every meal consumed on daily basis to sonification of geo-locational data and 3D renderings of shapes recognised in clouds, the exhibition aims to highlight the plurality of perspectives on self-tracking.
We’re honored to be hosting the following artists and their amazing work (which you can see a few previews of below):
Alberto Frigo (IT/SE), Brian House (US), Catherine D’Ignazio (US), Daniel Peltz (US), Davide Di Saró (IT/CA) & Kristy Trinier (CA), Elly Clarke (UK/DE), Ellie Harrison (UK), Giovanni Meneguzzo (IT), Ingrid Forsler (SE)
Borítás Viktor alias Iwan Wilaga (HU/HK) , Jacek Smolicki (PL/SE), Jacopo Pontormo (IT), James Pricer (US), Janina Turek (PL), Morris Villarroel (CA/ES), Stephen Cartwright (US), and Yann Vanderme (FR).
To see the artwork for yourself we invite you to join us on the 20th. It’s going be a wonderful event.