Joris Janssen on SenseOS
Ernesto Ramirez
April 7, 2014
Joris Janssen is a researcher who’s focused his work on combining sensing algorithms with psychological insights. Currently he’s a researcher and developer at Sense Observation Systems, a Netherlands-based company developing context-aware computing. In this talk, filmed at the Amsterdam QS meetup group, Joris gives a brief explanation of the work they do at SenseOS, then discusses Goalie, an app developed to use psychological theory, active and passive sensing, and a therapy gateway to treat and improve depression.
We’re excited to have Joris and his colleague from SenseOS, Jan Peter Larson, joining us at our upcoming 2014 Quantified Self European Conference. If you’d like to learn more about the work Joris and Jan are doing at SenseOS we invite you to register today!