Kids and QS at Quantified Self Conferences: Morgan Friedman
Erica Tanamachi
June 20, 2018
In the spirit of our upcoming QS18 Conference that will be focused on QS and learning, we want to share some great QS projects from past conferences that incorporate our greatest learners–children. The projects come from teachers and parents and even a student himself, presenting how they learn using QS methods. Summer is upon us and we want to highlight some of these kid-based projects that truly celebrate the learning process through both tracking and analyzing.
It is well-known that our children teach us many things in life—just imagine the learnings parents can gain from their children’s data. Morgan Friedman’s project, Tracking Baby Milestones: Surprising Results of Bringing Data to Parenting, presented at the QS15 Conference at Fort Mason, San Francisco does just this. Friedman shows the many parenting lessons gleaned from tracking and analyzing his baby’s data, even as a sleep-deprived parent. Morgan and his wife began tracking every little detail of his baby’s life right after he was born. Soon after, he built an application that sourced data from 3,000 other parents to compare his baby’s development with. By tracking and comparing baby milestones, they found interesting and important correlation. In this talk, Friedman discusses data, patterns, and surprising parenting advice they learned from tracking.

We hope you can join us to share your learnings from a project, or simply be inspired at this year’s Quantified Self 2018 Conference in Portland on September 22-23. Register here.