The State of Self Tracking (QS London Survey)
Ernesto Ramirez
March 25, 2014
The excellent organizers of the London Quantified Self Show&Tell recently fielded a detailed survey about the self-tracking practices in their group. In the video below Ulrich Atz presents their findings.
Some of the interesting results from the survey:
- 105 respondents (22 identified as female, 76 as male).
- Over 500 unique tools were being used.
- 47% of the respondents are currently measuring weight (17% have in the past).
- Pen & paper is being used by 28% of respondents.
- 90% of respondents who answered a question about data sharing would share their data (or share it for medical research).
The presentation is available online here (PDF) and an aggregate view of the survey results is also available for you to explore here. We’re excited to see and learn more from this interesting data set in the future.