Quantified Self Brussels Meetup #1: Recap
Joost Plattel
March 17, 2011
Last week the first Quantified Self Meetup took place in Brussels, there were some earlier events, but those didn’t include as much speakers as it did now. So this is the first official one with a recap!
I also had the honor to start as the first speaker and my talk was about data-portability and my own small experiments. I showed several experiments and my own system for collecting data. It’s was my first talk ever related to QS and I got some great feedback!
Then Matthew Cornell gave a talk about his system Edison trough Skype. The system looks nice for people who want to get started with self-tracking. And he offered some prizes for the most creative use of Edison. I managed to tape the last two presentations from Candide Kemmler and Ben Senior and embedded them below:
Candide Kemmler – Fluxtream from Joost Plattel on Vimeo.
Ben Senior – Data Protection Legislation from Joost Plattel on Vimeo.
Shortly after the talks, discussion moved to the drinks! Thanks ICAB for the venue and the the organisers for making this possible! The meetup group in Brussels is great!