Reflecting on Self-Tracking Data: Study at Carnegie Mellon University
Ian Li
June 28, 2010
Hello, everyone! Last summer, we conducted a study about people’s experiences using personal informatics tools to collect and reflect on data about themselves.
This summer, we are running a more focused study to explore how people reflect on their personal informatics data. The study consists of two one-hour interviews (a few weeks apart) at Carnegie Mellon University.
In the first interview we will observe how you explore your data using your personal informatics tool and ask you questions about what you learn from your data.
In the second interview, we will show you different designs of graphs and visualizations and ask you about your thoughts on the designs. Participants will be paid $10 per hour of interview.
You are eligible to participate in the study if:
- you live near Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- you use personal informatics tools to keep track of personal information (e.g.,physical activity, blood glucose level, spending habits, energy usage, weight, etc.).
If you are interested in participating, please complete the pre-questionnaire (, which has a few questions about the types of information that you keep track of. We will select interview participants from among those who complete the pre-questionnaire.
If you have questions, please email me at