What’s the oddest thing you’ve tracked?
Matthew Cornell
June 17, 2011
We see a lot of cool things here that people are experimenting with, such as health (sleep, water intake, mood) or productivity (interruptions, hours/day, attention), but we are also trying odder things. My interest is in widening the definition of what could be considered an experiment, so I thought I’d ask, what off-the-wall things have you tracked? I’m also curious to know what kind of support or push back you got from those around you, if they were social experiments. While maybe not terribly odd, here are some of the things I’ve tried:
- Experimented with ways to keep my feet warm while mountain biking in winter (tracked left/right foot comfort).
- Tried changing my thinking around positive events (tracked the event and whether it helped me feel happier to relive it later).
- Played with different ways to prevent “wintry mix” ice buildup on sidewalks (tracked likelihood of falling – with careful testing). (Are you detecting a northern climate?)
- Tested different kinds of one-day contact lenses (tracked ease of insertion, visibility, and comfort).
- Dressed better in public (normally I’m very casual), including wearing a hat (tracked psychological and physical comfort, reactions of others, including – surprise! – special treatment at businesses).
[Image: Office Board by John F. Peto