1st San Diego QS Show & Tell (Nov 16, 2010)
John Amschler
October 28, 2010
Hello from San Diego where we’re excited to announce our first Quantified Self Show & Tell!
San Diego has a rich history in both Wireless Technology and the Life Sciences. Many companies have combined talent from both fields and are collaborating to create future technologies. These technologies will be small, low power, minimally invasive, easy to use and will give us all the opportunity to follow the data toward better individualized health.
Luckily we have two such entities that will be represented at our first Show & Tell.
The Gary & Mary West Wireless Health Institute have generously donated the use of their Training Facility for our first gathering.
Our first confirmed speaker is Ramesh Rao. He is a both an Electrical Engineering Professor at UCSD and a Director at Calit2. His work has been featured on on the Quantified Self blog with his fascinating Numbers from the Heart post, and he has volunteered to share his knowledge with us.
We are looking for more presenters to give a 5-10 minute talk about self tracking in any form. Please contact us if you’re interested!
Ideally we will have a few devices and SW tools on display for participants to take a look at. If you have created your own home brew tracking system, use a tracking device or work for a company and you can bring a prototype please bring it with you!
We are also in search of sponsors and volunteers who are willing to provide audio/video recording services and refreshments for our gatherings.
Please join our MeetUp to be kept informed of future events: MeetUp.com/QuantifiedSelfSD/
See you at West Wireless on November 16th.
The QS San Diego Team
QuantifiedSelfSD (at) gmail (dot) com