Mark Drangsholt on Tracking a Heart Rhythm Disorder
Alexandra Carmichael
April 2, 2012
Dr. Mark Drangsholt is a long-time self-tracker who also teaches evidence-based medicine at the University of Washington. He has tracked blood pressure and exercise, atrial fibrillation and what triggers it, deep sleep and sex, diet and body fat. In the video below, Mark shares what he learned about his arrhythmia triggers, and how his self-tracking data helped sway his cardiologist to do a less invasive procedure. He also makes a great case that Quantified Self experiments can be more scientifically valid than many of his colleagues would like to admit. (Filmed by the Seattle QS Show&Tell meetup group.)
Mark Dangsholt – QS Tracking; an example using a heart rhythm disorder from David Reeves on Vimeo.