Meetups This Week
Steven Jonas
January 18, 2015
There are an incredible 12 QS meetups getting together this week in seven different countries.
Both Toronto and St. Louis will discuss how to use self-tracking tools to keep New Year’s resolutions. In Indianapolis, people will talk about their recently acquired tracking devices from the holidays. Geneva will be doing a review of 2014, where attendees will mention their pick for the most interesting QS thing that occurred. Budapest will feature a couple toolmaker talks in addition to their show&tells, and Portland will be getting together for a workgroup session to make progress on their personal data projects.
QS meetups take many different forms. To see what the meetup in your area is like, check the full list of the over 100 QS meetup groups in the right sidebar. Don’t see one near you? Why not start your own!
If you organize a QS meetup, please post pictures of your event to the Meetup website. We love seeing them. Have a good week!
Monday, January 19
Oslo, Norway
Toronto, Canada
Tuesday, January 20
Miami, Florida
St. Louis, Missouri
Wednesday, January 21
Budapest, Hungary
Dallas/Fort Worth
Geneva, Switzerland
Madrid, Spain
Thursday, January 22
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Portland, Oregon
Saturday, January 24
Indianapolis, Indiana
Here’s an image from last week’s meetups. The group in Dallas got together for an informal chat over dinner and one of the members tried out an HEG (hemoencephalography) headband, a device that measures blood flow in the prefrontal cortex.