Meetups This Week
Steven Jonas
April 12, 2015
We have a great collection of eight Quantified Self meetups getting together this week.
Turin will be having their first ever meetup and will feature toolmaker/researcher talks by Alessandro Marcengo on, a personal data analysis tool and Massimo Zedda on Lifepitch, an emotional history tracker. They will also have talks by Amon Rapp on the current state of QS tools and by Luana Donetti on user interfaces for QS tools.
In Zürich, they will have a discussion on ethics, using Stefan Selke’s Lifelogging and Dave Eggers’ The Circle as starting points. Belfast will have a researcher talk from Dr. Brian Murphy on language and the brain and toolmaker talks from Jawbone and AppAttic. Lastly, Auckland will have a researcher talk from Dr. Karen Day on health informatics.
To see when the next meetup in your area is, check the full list of the over 100 QS meetup groups in the right sidebar. Don’t see one near you? Why not start your own!
If you organize a QS meetup, please post pictures of your event to the Meetup website. We love seeing them.
Tuesday, April 14
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Lansing, Michigan
London, England
Zürich, Switzerland
Wednesday, April 15
Auckland, New Zealand
Denton, Texas
Thursday, April 16
Geneva, Switzerland
Torino, Italy
Plus, here are a couple photos from last week’s meeting in Seattle courtesy of Eric Jain.