Mood and Music
Alexandra Carmichael
September 9, 2011
A recent meeting of the Amsterdam Quantified Self group saw a talk about health insights gleaned through accidental lifelogging. The speaker (who asked not to be named) has bipolar disorder, and has been using over the past 7 years to track his music listening and compare it with his friends’ music patterns. He talks about insights he has gained using various tools that make use of’s API. For example, he discovered a pattern of listening intensely when he’s feeling good, and not listening to music when he is feeling depressed, usually in the summer. He also suggests it would be great to have a similar service for groceries, so you could correlate your mood with foods you eat. Watch his engaging story below. (Filmed at Amsterdam QS Show&Tell #3.)
Mood & Music from Quantified Self Amsterdam on Vimeo.