Upcoming QS Show&Tell Meetups Near You
July 27, 2010
Don’t be shy – come to a QS Show&Tell meetup!
Say you’ve been reading this blog for a while. You’ve watched some self-tracking
Show&Tell videos, read about some of the experiments people are doing, and now you’re thinking of coming out to a physical meetup. Great, this post is for you!
Here is a schedule of upcoming Quantified Self Show&Tell meetups around the world, in chronological order – for newcomers and regulars too:
SF Bay Area‘s 15th QS Show&Tell – August 11 with Gordon Bell as a guest speaker. It looks like we will blow past our previous record of 100 people attending, so we’re in the process of finding a larger location. The new location will be emailed to all members of the meetup group.
September – Quantified Self Comes to Europe!
Washington DC‘s 1st QS Show&Tell – November 8 or 9 as part of the
mHealth Summit. More details to come in a future post.
I hope you’ll join us at one of these events, to share what you’ve learned from your self-tracking project or to meet other enthusiasts. We look forward to meeting you!