Tag: qstop


Tracking Grief: Dana Greenfield

July 27, 2018

As we’ve been thinking about mood lately–tracking it, nudging it and even reversing it, here’s a project that contemplates one experience that accumulates all moods – mourning. For anyone who has experienced grief and mourning, grab your tissues; and if you haven’t yet had the profound experience, grab a pen and take notes. I wish had this project…


Tracking Mood To Understand Others: Alan Greene

July 25, 2018

Many of us track our moods to gain insight into what we are feeling or going through. Dr. Alan Greene developed a way to use his mood to gain insight into what others are feeling or going through. Alan calls it Reverse Mood Tracking and he uses it in his work as a pediatrician. Here’s how…


Beeminder Scholar at QS18

July 23, 2018

As we gear up for QS18, we understand that the cost of a conference ticket can be challenging for scholars. So, for students who really want to attend, but don’t have the cash–this post is for you. Our good friends and QS18 Exhibitor, Beeminder, wants to offer five lucky students a chance to attend the…


Tracking Mood: Jon Cousins

July 20, 2018

When talking about tracking mood and happiness at Quantified Self, we have to mention Jon Cousins, an active QS member and long-time mood tracker. In 2010, Jon created Moodscope to track is own mood, and left in 2013 to begin Moodnudges, where he writes short messages to help nudge one’s mood in a positive direction. He released a book on the topic called Nudge Your…


Tracking Happiness: Ellis Bartholomeus

July 16, 2018

Sharing Ellis Bartholomeus, again–not only because she’s awesome–but, the project she presented at 2015 QS Europe Conference in Amsterdam, Draw a Face a Day relates to a recent post on Tracking Happiness.  Like Ashish’s project, Ellis tracks her mood with 1 simple task at the end of the day–but, instead of using a number (at least…


Announcing InsideTracker Give-Away for QS18 Attendees

July 13, 2018

We are excited to announce InsideTracker as a QS18 Exhibitor. Gil Blander, President and Initial Founder, gave a great talk introducing InsideTracker at the QS15 Conference + EXPO. InsideTracker puts the power of personalized nutrition into your hands, using your blood, DNA, and habits. They create evidence-based solutions that are simple, actionable, and personalized –…


Tracking Happiness: Ashish Mukharji

July 11, 2018

Another conceptually simple idea, but still just as profound, comes from a project by Ashish Mukharji called Tracking Happiness, presented at a Bay Area Meetup in 2013. It’s another great example of the timelessness of QS projects. QS’ers are constantly asking ageless questions where the answers are often in flux as our bodies and minds…


Tracking Gratitude: Dan Armstrong

July 6, 2018

Dan Armstrong kept a gratitude list for two years and shared his project Learning from Gratitude at a New York Meetup in 2015. Armstrong is a writer and in this talk, he shares how keeping a gratitude list every day for the past two year has changed his habits, actions and outlook. Every morning Armstrong…


Tracking Our Past: Ellis Bartholomeus

July 4, 2018

Ellis Bartholemeus is a big fan of quantifying and at QS17 she presented her project My Health Scars that shares her “quantified body” from tracking and measuring her physical scars. Scars represent memories from the past that are often derived from traumatic events. However, there can be deep learnings lived through each “representative” scar and…


Music Habits Analyzed Through Tracking: Steven Jonas

July 2, 2018

Steven Jonas presented his interesting project, Spaced Listening to the Bay Area Meetup Group at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley in 2017. In this project, Steven takes a very active role in his music engagement to increase his listening palate. Steven knows that he needs to listen to an album a few times…


Music Habits Analyzed Through Tracking: Rocio Chongtay

June 29, 2018

Listening to music is often a passive past-time; we listen to what we like, while enjoying the lyrics and beats. Even without much thought, music can be a tool to help motivate a work-out, stimulate a drive, or simply aid relaxation in a spa. However, when we take an active role in our listening, we…


Kids and QS at Quantified Self Conferences: Cantor Soule-Reeves

June 27, 2018

Cantor Soule-Reeves presented his inspiring project, Fight for your Right to Recess  at QS17 in Amsterdam last year. With this project, Cantor proves how empowering data can actually be when analyzed. Cantor is an 8 year old who goes to Richmond Elementary School in Portland, Oregon. The students of Richmond Elementary get 20 minutes of recess…


Kids and QS at Quantified Self Conferences: Bill Schuller

June 25, 2018

To beat potential Summer boredom, hopefully this next highlighted project from Bill Schuller will give some inspiration. Bill Schuller presented QS Adventures with my Kids at the 2013 QS Global Conference in the Presidio, San Francisco. Bill started tracking his exercise and weight in 2010. His preschool-aged son, began to imitate Bill’s tracking behavior by regularly stepping…


Kids and QS at Quantified Self Conferences: Victor Lee

June 22, 2018

Aligned with QS and learning, Victor Lee presents Quantifying with Kids at QS15 in San Francisco. As an educator, Lee spends most of his time thinking about how learning works. Lee discusses his QS project using a range of technologies (fitbit, Jawbone, Garmin) to track kids’ activities throughout their days. Lee helps the students work with their…


Kids and QS at Quantified Self Conferences: Morgan Friedman

June 20, 2018

In the spirit of our upcoming QS18 Conference that will be focused on QS and learning, we want to share some great QS projects from past conferences that incorporate our greatest learners–children.  The projects come from teachers and parents and even a student himself, presenting how they learn using QS methods. Summer is upon us and…


Share Your Method of Analysis Without Sharing Your Data

May 10, 2018

We are happy to have a guest post from Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, the director of research at the Open Humans project, on a new way to share personal data analysis methods. Read to the end to learn about a data analysis contest happening this month. Bastian can be found online at @gedankenstuecke. -Steven The Quantified Self community builds…


QS Public Health Symposium Coming Up April 19, 2018

March 20, 2018

The Quantified Self Public Health Symposium addresses the role of self-collected data in advancing health. This years meeting at the University of California, San Diego brings together invited researchers and advocates from diverse fields, including clinicians, policymakers, technologists, scholars and community members to share progress reports and initiate new collaborations. This year’s focus is on…


The Ethics of Citizen Science, A Call for Papers

February 2, 2018

Here’s an interesting call for papers for citizen scientists by the journal Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics published by Johns Hopkins University Press. The editors want first person accounts of ethical issues in citizen science. I’ve been part of many discussions of whether QS is part of citizen science. There are some key differences. The most important…